Material help
Anything you can find for dogs will help us. :) High-quality kibble, preserves, pouches, treats, goodies and anything that dogs could fill their tummies with. Medicines for dogs, deworming tablets, pipettes, healing ointments, but also bandages and similar medical supplies are also very welcome.
Any necessities for dogs will also help - collars, harnesses, leashes, clothes, combs, beds, blankets, kennels, absorbent pads, heating pants, mattresses, towels, old sheets, pillows and many other things.
You can either send the items to our address or we can arrange a personal handover in Prague and its surroundings, or elsewhere.
Financial help
Financial assistance is also very important to us so that we can continue to help. As we help on a large scale and in different countries, it is often difficult for us to pay for everything.
You can also donate to our breeders to their personal bank accounts. :)

IBAN: CZ63 0100 0001 3124 5796 0297
Help us build a facility for unwanted dogs
Our organization deals with rescuing and helping dogs in need. We operate on the basis of temporary care and at the same time cooperate with other organizations and asylums outside the Czech Republic. Unfortunately, until now we did not have the possibility of our own background and location of dogs in the Czech Republic, but we had the opportunity to change that.
In cooperation with Hand for help, we can have common areas for dogs on their property, where they will have their own run, kennels, necessary care and even re-education and socialization of more problematic individuals. It will mainly help dogs that need emergency care or placement. We are extremely grateful for this and now we need your help to make it happen.
We will use the funds to:
Land preparation and security
Two kennels also suitable for aggressive dogs
Building material
Enclosure and shed equipment
Other options

We joined the Givt project! You can now help us with every purchase on the Internet and you will not pay anything extra. MORE ABOUT THE GIFT.

A charity project that helps animals in need Thank you for being a part of it!
They supported us